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31 day challenge | #31dc2015 | day 6 violet nails | violet leopard print | stamping nails
31 Day Challenge Nail Art

Violet Leopard nails for the 31 day challenge day 6

The prompt for today is violet nails for the 31 day challenge! I wasn’t sure what i wanted to do at first but i really like how it turned out. For this nail design i used bornprettystore stamping plate L009 which i have used in lots of my designs. It is a pretty good stamping plate because it has a bit of everything. So first i paint my nails with Violet voltage and then out a holographic coat of  bornprettystore #9 (light purple) . Then  i stamped my nails with black first and then after i stamped over them with the same stamping with purple perspective . I have never done double stamping before but i am really liking how these turned out.

Polishes used

Sally hansen – Violet Voltage

Born pretty store – holo polish #9

Avon -Black Drama

OPI Color paints – Purple perspective

what do you think?

Thanks for stopping by check back tomorrow for day 7 of the 31 day challenge #31dc2015!

turquoise leopard print nails | sally hansen
Nail Art

Turquoise Leopard Print Nails

So i was thinking i haven’t done leopard print nails in a while and it is one of my favourite and easy nail designs to do. So today i have some turquoise leopard print nails for you! These are some pretty simple nails you just paint your nails with a white base coat then wait for it to dry and i used turquoise art paint to do the dots. Then i mixed my white and black paint to get grey to do the leopard print. For this you take a small brush and make different leopard spots and dots. I find that the Art paint is easier to do detailed designs because it is thinner than nail polish and works better with the brush. Then add a glitter top coat and you are all done!

Polishes used

Sally Hansen – White on



Well i hope you liked today’s nail design! Have a great day!
