So i got these Blue flower water decals a few months ago from the born pretty store and have been waiting for the right time to use them! They are full nail water decals which i haven’t tried ones likes these before i have only tired smaller water decals or ones that are cut to the shape of your nail. Anyways i really love how this nails turned out. I knew when i saw them on the born pretty store website i had to try them.

They are pretty easy to use they are like other water decals were you have to cut them and dip them into water. The only tough part about this water decals is they are not the shape of your nail so you either have to cut them to fit your nail before you dip them in water or after try to cut pieces off. Still pretty easy to use  i cut the bits of after i dipped them off using scissors and a orange stick which was easy because the decals are pretty thin.

So now on to the nails!

Here are the water decal s


Born Pretty stores Blue Flower water decals 


born pretty store | water decals | blue flower nails | blue and white nails


born pretty store | water decals | blue flower nails | blue and white nails

born pretty store | water decals | blue flower nails | blue and white nails

I would definitely recommend these water decals. I really do love water decals because they are so easy to use and you get a great design! I hope you found this review helpful and if you do have any questions about these water decals or any in general just ask! :) If you decide to buy them or other bornprettystore products don’t forget to use my code ALLEX31 for 10% off!


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