Hello Friends,

So today i am sharing the nails that i had on for my birthday on Tuesday! I decided that i wanted to try my Quo By Orly water transfers nail art in pretty Petals. I got these at shoppers drugmart.I have never tried these before, they are similar to Bornprettystores water decals. Quo’s water transfers are for the whole nail. They are just like a temporary tattoo for your nails!

The application for this nail transfers are very easy. There is a 3 easy steps you just use water to put them on. So much like a temporary tattoo you place the tattoo on your nail and then i used a cotton ball soaked in water then pressed it against my nail for about 10 seconds or more until the transfer is completely on your nail. Then to seal the look at a top coat!

I put one coat of Sally Hansen’s insta dri white pick it fence under neath.

quo by orly water transfer nail art pretty petals

quo by orly water transfer nail art pretty petals

quo by orly water transfer nail art pretty petals

I really like how this nails turned out! They are very easy to apply and they last a long time. I have had them on since monday night and they are still in perfect condition today! Well i hope you liked theses nails!

Have a great night!



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