Hello beauties,

It is that time of year again friends. Time for The 31 Day Challenge! I am very excited to participate again this year! I really loved creating all the nail designs last year. It was a little tough at times but i made it through!

Want to see what i did last year check it out #31DC2013 

So for those of you who don’t know what the 31 Day challenge i will tell you a little about it. I first heard about the 31 Day Challenge from Chalkboard nails. It is a month long challenge were fellow nail art bloggers come together to create awesome nail designs following a list of challenges. This challenge is not only for bloggers anyone can do it! Feel free to participate and create you own awesome nail art! Use the hashtag #31DC2014 to share your nails!

Here are two Schedules of the 31 Day challenge 2014. Feel free to use mine or create your own!

31 DC 1

                     #31dc2014|the 31 day challenge

This year Chalkboard nails changed 16 to “geometric nails” instead of “tribal nails” to be more culturally sensitive. But other than that everything is the same!

Frequently asked Questions

What is the 31 Day challenge?

The 31 day challenge is 31 days of nail art challenges.Participates of the nail art challenge create nail art designs according to 3 different themes Colours, Styles and Inspired by. The challenge is to post one nail design each day for 31 days!

What if i don’t have a blog can i still participate in the challenge?

Of course! You don’t need to have a blog to do the challenge. You can post your nail art on twitter, instagram, facebook, google + or any other social media. Or if you just want to do the challenge on your own and not post that is cool too! If you do decide to post on social media use hashtag #31DC2014 so everyone can see your nail designs

When does the 31 Day challenge start? 

I will be starting this challenge on September 1st like many other bloggers.

What do you do for a tutorial design?

For this day you don’t have to make your own tutorial,not unless you would like to. But you actually find a tutorial of a nail design you like and do the nails following the tutorial. Don’t forget to mention which tutorial you followed to do your nails!

What does honor nails you <3 mean?

This day is to honor any nails you love may have seen that you loved or any nail art artist that you loved

Does the 31 Day challenge have to be done in September?

No, it does not. A lot of people do the nail art challenge in September. But if you don’t have time to do it in September you can always do it in another month. Still use the hashtag #31DC2014 so people can see your nail art.

Can the 31 day challenge be done at a slower pace?

Of course, If you don’t have time to do a new nail design every day. You can always space it out. However, to me completing the challenge in the 31 days is all part of the challenge. You can decide what you would like to do. Just have fun with it!

Other information

This challenge is all about having fun with nail art and challenging yourself to try new nail designs. It is a way to get better at nail art and try different designs that you may have never tried before otherwise. It is a way to connect with other nail artist and see what they are doing.Use the hashtag to check out everyone’s nail designs!  So join in and just have fun with it!

Will you be joining the 31 Day Challenge this year? I know i will be!


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